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  • Nowe życie traka – części zamienne do maszyn tartacznych

    Najbardziej eksploatowane części maszyn tartacznych, jak prowadnice, łożyska, segmenty, suwaki lignofolowe wymagają regularnej wymiany, co znacząco pozwala wydłużyć żywotność parku maszynowego. Jednak nie chodzi tylko o to, aby zużyte części wymieniać na nowe, ale także o jakość instalowanych w maszynie elementów. Ważne, aby części były one wytwarzane ze zgodnością materiałową urządzeń producenta, bo tylko to zagwarantuje bezawaryjną i bezpieczną dla operatorów eksploatację maszyn.
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  • Energia z Drewna

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Premium Sunflower husk briquettes

Use Eco-briquettes can be burned in all solid fuel heaters using coal or firewood, in common fireplaces and stoves, boilers, open fireplaces, etc. They are convenient for transportation and storage – they occupy much less storage space due to their higher density; They don’t pollute the storage premises; They are not attacked by rodents; Low ash content, which facilitates cleaning of stoves, fireplaces and boilers; Lower moisture and better burning than wood; Higher energy conversion efficiency compared to wood; Ecology briquettes are produced only from sunflower husk, technological waste in the production of oil or peeled sunflower. They are great eco-friendly fuel and could replace fuels such as coal, wood, coal dust briquettes, fuel oil, etc. They are obtained by pressing at high pressure and temperature without the addition of binders. The lignin naturally present in the sunflower husk melts at a temperature above 100 ° C and acquires the properties of a binding cementing substance. Stability Sunflower husk briquettes do not contain harmful emissions and resins. Their good quality is determined by their high calorific value, low content of emissions that are negligible in the atmosphere. One ton of sunflower husk briquettes in calorific value is equivalent to 1.90 tons (5-6 cubic meters) firewood, 1.4 tons of brown coal, 2.5 tons of coal dust briquettes or 500L petroleum.

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pomar-sc zobacz »

Sprzedam: Purpleheart exotic wood

Dodano: 2023-05-02 18:52, Ogłoszenia Drewno egzotyczne

Characteristics of Purpleheart Origin of Wood Type South America Botanical Name Peltogyne pubescens Specific Gravity 0.86 Avg. Weight Per BF 4.5 lb/ bf Color Range Purple – Dark Brown Rarity / A...

pomar-sc zobacz »

Sprzedam: Straw pellets 15kg x 67 pcs

Dodano: 2023-05-02 18:45, Ogłoszenia Biomasa Pelet

pomar-sc straw pellets are available in the following packaging: • 1000 kg bags on a pallet • 2 x 500 kg bags on a pallet • 67 x 15 kg bags on the pallet • 24 pallets on a semi-trailer We are a...

pomar-sc zobacz »

Sprzedam: Wood shavings for sale

Dodano: 2023-05-02 18:41, Ogłoszenia Biomasa trocina

Description Prices do not include delivery. wood shavings have been specially designed for horses, flowers and poultry, chicks, and other birds. • Spruce and Pine softwood as raw1 material • ...

pomar-sc zobacz »

Sprzedam: Sassafras wood

Dodano: 2023-05-02 18:35, Ogłoszenia Drewno egzotyczne

Sassafras is a fragrant North American hardwood. With open grain, soft texture and light brown color, it is sometimes used as a Chestnut substitute. Excellent bending properties Chestnut substitut...

pomar-sc zobacz »

Sprzedam: Premium Quality Wood Pellets in 15kg Bags EN Plus A1class A1 Pine Wood 6mm

Dodano: 2023-05-02 17:21, Ogłoszenia Biomasa Pelet

Sh >0,6%, Moisture >8%, Calorific value 5000 kKall/kg, Diameter 6-8 mm. FSC certified Quantity 1000-2000 t/month The latest laboratory test is added below Prices on FCA Volyn 45000: A1 15k...

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Sprzedam: Pini kay Briquettes

Dodano: 2023-05-02 17:12, Ogłoszenia Biomasa Brykiet

Specification Ash content: < 2,00 % Humidity: 3 – 5% 1 Pini Kay briquette size: 15 x 9 x 6 cm Calorific value: 4650 – 5100 kcal / kg Density: 1.2 – 1.5 kg / dm Burning time: min 4 hr...

pomar-sc zobacz »

Sprzedam: Kiln Dried Logs Extra Large Crates

Dodano: 2023-05-02 17:08, Ogłoszenia Drewno kominkowe

We recommend the full crate for intensive use of wood burners throughout winter – one should last you the entire season. Log length: 25cm (9-10″) – fits 95% of stoves Log width: 2″ to 6″ Loose Vo...