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    Zachęcamy Państwa do skorzystania z przeszukiwarki portali nieruchomości Adradar. Jest to narzędzie umożliwiające dostęp do ogłoszeń z kilkudziesięciu portali w jednym miejscu. Zaawansowany algorytm grupuje je, dzięki czemu otrzymujemy pełną historię obecności danej nieruchomości na rynku. System wysyła powiadomienia o interesujących nas mieszkaniach nawet w ciągu 8 minut od ukazania się w Internecie.
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  • Energia z Drewna

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Line for the production of frame and doors “Gabbiani”

Trademak srl
Line for the production of frame and doors “Gabbiani” OPERATORS GROUPS ENGINE RIGHT SIDE Pos.1: 1 inferior planer 5.5 HP at 6000 rpm / min Shaft diam. 50 mm, planing length 205 mm Pos.2: 1 right toupie 5.5 HP at 6000 rpm / min Shaft diam. 50 mm, planing length 120 mm Pos.3: 2 right spindle moulder 5.5 HP at 6000 rpm / min Shaft diam. 50 mm, planing length 180 mm Pos.4: 1 horizontal superior engine 7.5 HP at 6000 rpm / min, Shaft diam. 50 mm, planing length 220 mm. Vertical displacement ELECTRONIC motorized with AC motor, controlled by centralized NC. Pos.5: 1 horizontal superior engine 7.5 HP at 6000 rpm / min, Shaft diam. 50 mm, planing length 205 mm. LEFT SIDE Pos.6: 1 toupie left engine with 7.5 HP at 6000 rpm / min. Shaft diam. 50 mm, length 180 mm, for n.2 milling groups Horizontal-vertical positioning ON-OFF hydraulic, 2 positions controlled by NC. Pos.7: 1 left toupie with 7.5 HP engine at 6000 rpm / min. Shaft diam. 50 mm, length 180 mm with keyway. Horizontal-vertical positioning ON-OFF hydraulic, 2 positions controlled by NC. Pos.8: 1 left toupee with 7.5 HP engine at 6000 rpm / min. Shaft diam. 50 mm, length 180 mm with keyway. Horizontal-vertical positioning ON-OFF hydraulic, 2 positions controlled by NC. Pos.9: 1 horizontal upper motor for glazing bead milling. Shaft diam. 40, length 85 mm with keyway. Horizontal-vertical positioning ON-OFF hydraulic, 2 positions controlled by NC. Pos.10: 1 horizontal upper motor for glazing bead milling. Shaft diam. 40, length 85 mm with keyway. Horizontal-vertical positioning ON-OFF hydraulic, 2 positions controlled by NC. ST.B – AUTOMATIC TRANSFER Mod. NT200, with tape and straps to supply a continuous cycle of the pieces in the Double Tenoning ST.C – TENONING MACHINE – SQUARING MACHINE DOUBLE (HEAVY) Mod. TMODUL brev.Gabbiani, with: In-line machine automatically fed by the transfer to the truncation operation.

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Sprzedam: COSMEC Multirip saw mod. SM400, 49 KW ENGINE, YEAR 2007, in perfect working conditions.

multilame Cosmec perfettamente funzionante, mod. SM400, motore 49 kw, anno 2007. Max altezza di taglio: 140 mm. Ha 50 ore di lavoro, pari al nuovo. COSMEC Multirip saw mod. SM400, 49 KW ENGINE,...

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Sprzedam: Veneer Staylog Rotary Lathe/peeling machine 3650x1600 mm (special for exotic woods)

Description Cremona 1600x3650 mm Description Veneers Staylog Rotary Lathe Manufacturer Angelo CREMONA Model ...

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Sprzedam: Chipper – grinder, brand “Diani Impianti” for pellet and waste

Cippatore – Macinatore, marca “Diani Impianti” Ingresso: 900x200 mm Motore: 55 kw Completo di nastro trasportatore in entrata In perfette condizioni Chipper – grinder, brand “Diani Impianti” ...

Trademak srl zobacz »

Sprzedam: multiblade Multirip saw "Trademak" mod. Piranha 412 Movable blades, Brand new

multiblade Multirip saw \"Trademak\" mod. Piranha 412 Movable blades, Brand new the Multirip saw, with 1,2 or 3 movable blades, and at the same time it\'s a Mutiblades www.trademaksrl.com Lar...

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Sprzedam: multiblade Multirip saw "Trademak" mod. Piranha 420 (double shaft), Brand new

multiblade Multirip saw \"Trademak\" mod. Piranha 420 (double shaft), Brand new visit our profile on Fordaq and our website: www.trademaksrl.com trademaksrl@gmail.com

Trademak srl zobacz »

Sprzedam: multiblade Multirip saw "Trademak" mod. SQUALO 628, Brand new

Conveyor belt width mm 600 Input roller conveyors width mm 610 Output roller conveyors width mm 710 Max. saw unit width mm 590 Max. cutting height mm 280 Min. working length mm 1200 Max. clear...

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Sprzedam: Brand new Moulders model 623B, (5+1 shafts) and model 418E, 4 shafts)

Brand new Moulders available model 623B, (5+1 shafts) and model 418E, 4 shafts) brand \"Demak Tecnology\" Special Price

Trademak srl zobacz »

Sprzedam: multiblade Multirip saw "Trademak" mod. Piranha 310 Jr, Brand new

TECHNICAL StANDARD SPECIFICATION 310 JR Conveyour belt length mm 320 Max saw group width mm 290 Max cut height mm 100/120 Min. Workpiece length mm 600 Max width mm 550 Saw spindle diameter...

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Sprzedam: Sander / calibrating “IMEAS” 1900

Sander / calibrating “IMEAS” 1900 with 4 rollers: 2 graders roller + 2 sanding rollers lift tables for loading and unloading