Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...
Sprezdamn brikety RUF Belarussi 87-90 eur FCA Belarus city Bobruisk +375 29 906 25 46 Viber WhatsApp telegram
Paliwa granulowane, mialy weglowe od 90 zl/tona. Podejmiemy wspolprace z producentami kotlow i palnikow na pellet, biomase. Zrodla ciepla, piece, instalacje centralnego ogrzewania duzej mocy. Grzejn...
Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...
Sprzedam Briket RUf popiół .0.7-1 wilgoć 8-10 +375 29 906 25 46 Viber WhatsApp telegram
Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...
Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...
Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...
Wegiel drzewny 930 zl/tona, brykiety 240 zl/tona, carbon 90 zl/tona. Stala sprzedaz paliwa bezposrednio od producenta. Surowiec mineralny carbon pochodzenia roslinnego, zachowuje strukture scian kom...
Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...