Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...
Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...
Pellety, brykiety drzewne, slonecznik, sloma, susz, otreby, olej, wegiel, torf. Od 200 zl/tona. Oferujemy stala sprzedaz pelletu Din, Din+, przemyslowego oraz brykietu RUF, Nestro, PiniKay bezposred...
Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...
Oferujemy Pellet sosnowy jasny do sprzedaży. Parametry: Srednica 6mm; Wilgotnosc do 10%; Popiol 0,4%; niższa temperatura spalania 21 MJ / kg. Pellet sosnowy workowany po 15 kg Możliwa sprzedaż w ...
Wilgotność do 10%; Popiół do 3%; ciepło spalania 17 MJ / kg; Dostawa pellet w Big Bagach (1-1.3 t). Zapewniamy wszystkie niezbędne dokumenty dotyczące towarów. Mozliwa sprzedaż w duzych ilościach...
Pellet Sosna A1 Luz 630 / BB 500kg 660 / worki 15 kg 690 netto Ceny są cenami netto do negocjacji. Odbiór w Białymstoku. Możemy dowieźć po wcześniejszej konsultacji. *obecnie sprzedaż tylko ca...
Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...
Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...
Beech wood pellets, 6 mm, A1 and A2, with SGS test High quality biofuels 100% wood pellet 1, low humidity, ash and sulfur 2, 100% made of pine dust with high calorific value 3, long burning time, high...